Fairbridge Outdoor Recreation Training Centre

Dreaming of a Career in the great outdoors?

Fairbridge Outdoor Recreation Department supports FoA because there is a need for people/clients to gain experience, qualifications and training in outdoor activities in varies disciplines and locations.  Some of our clients who come through us may have limited experience and even after formal training need to gain more.  FoA is a fun, safe and modern way of doing this.

FoA also gives people an opportunity to gain formal qualifications over a 12 month period, which  can be achieved in their own time and pace.  Having Markus and Sarah who can assess my clients and students, or offer extra training is a great resource and helps us as a RTO with the validation process.

We offer a $200 student fee to FoA, which lasts for 12 months, so they can be a Fairbridge Student for one year, and then charge only $35 per unit.  It’s almost sounds like pay as you go.

Ways in which FoA have helped us at Fairbridge:

  • Staff training
  • Assisted and run National recognised training & assessment courses
  • Experience for trainees running groups outside of their normal work environment
  • Assisted us in running our student Cert III course camp
  • Equipment use and training

Brett Hawthorn Training Coordinator
Fairbridge Western Australia, Inc | PO Box 173, Pinjarra  WA  6208
P: +61 8 9531 1177 | F: +61 8 9531 1210 |M: 0409 071 699
E: outdoor.rec@fairbridge.asn.au | W: www.fairbridge.asn.au

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Steady there, one at a time
Brian Learns The Ropes
Steve Does His Spidey Routine
Long way to the top
Sarah Shows How It's Done
Hey, if the cap fits ...
Yes, The Rope Is Strong Enough
Boy This Is Hard Work !
One Step At A Time
Running On Air
The Kayak Armada
Is this knot big enough?