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News Letter 11

Yes, it’s been ages but we’re still kicking around. We’ve been quiet for quite a while now but we’re hoping things will get busy soon. Our end of year camp is approaching fast and we wanted to give you all some information about the camp so that you can save the dates. Registration for the camp will be available on our website soon; we’ll notify you when the registration page is up and running. If you are interested in coming on the camp you will need to register your interest as quickly as possible so that we can confirm our numbers for catering purposes and for site bookings. We can only take 15 participants on this camp for the safety and enjoyment of all our participants.

( Register Now )

Here are some details about the camp:


Tuesday December 29th to Friday January 1st (3 nights, leaving on January 1st)

Activities on offer:

Abseiling, caving, kayaking, mountain biking


Accommodation and all meals for 3 nights: $300 per person

Gear hire for all activities (not including Mountain Bike Hire – charged separately): $50 per person

Gear hire for individual activities (only use this option if you’re not hiring gear for some of the activities, otherwise it works out cheaper to use the $50 option): $20 per person per activity

Mountain Bike Hire (from local bike shop): $25 per bike

You can bring your own gear if you have it and then you do not need to pay to use ours. If you bring your own kayaking/abseiling/rock climbing equipment we will inspect it prior to you using it to ensure that it will be suitable and safe for the activity. If you bring your own abseiling/rock climbing gear we will only charge you a $5 fee for wear and tear on our ropes.

So if you were hiring everything, including a bike, it would work out to $375. Not bad for 3 nights of accommodation and meals, with days filled with a variety of adventure activities… 🙂

(Note: These costs do not include DEC fees for caving and abseiling. Caving costs $5.50 per person per cave and abseiling costs $8.50 per person per site. These fees will be collected at the camp)

You will be able to register for the camp soon. We will let you know as soon as registration is available.

Once you have registered you will need to pay for the camp promptly. You are only officially booked in for the camp once we receive full payment from you. This is due to the fact that we have to pay for the accommodation and catering in advance and need solid numbers in order to do this. So if you want to come, make sure you start the process rolling as quickly as possible.

I look forward to having another great adventure camp with our awesome Friends of Adventure. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call or email myself or Markus. Our details are at the bottom of this email.

We will be in touch soon with further details.

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