Blog Post - Newsletters

Newsletter Issue 1

Dear Adventure Enthusiasts,

Welcome to the Inaugural Friends of Adventure Newsletter! We’ll be trying to keep you updated with newsletters on a semi-regular basis, especially if there are exciting new adventure opportunities afoot.

If you’ve been keeping an eye on the website you’ll have noticed that our Webmaster Nik has been putting a huge amount of effort into getting it all up and rolling. If you haven’t checked it recently, go and have a look at all the great new content that Nik has uploaded, including some photos of past events.

Speaking of events, the Easter Adventure Camp is only a couple of weeks away. We’re still taking bookings. Just go to the Events page on the website and you can book yourself in to the camp. Please make bookings as soon as possible if you are intending to come as we are currently trying to finalise numbers.

The Easter Adventure Camp runs from Friday April 6th to Tuesday April 10th. We’re going to be camping at Glenbrook Retreat for 4 nights. During the day we’ll be offering a range of adventure opportunities, including abseiling, caving and kayaking. The camp costs $80 for the 4 nights of accommodation and $50 for the use of all the adventure gear. The Department of Environment and Conservation will also charge us a small fee each time we use one of their abseil or cave sites.

If you have already booked for the camp it’s now time to get your money in so that your booking is confirmed. Funds need to be payed by Tuesday April 3rd to secure your booking.

We look forward to seeing you at the Easter Camp. If you can’t make the Easter Camp, don’t worry. We’re starting to plan some other fun adventure activities for the coming months. Keep checking the website because these coming events will soon be listed on the Events page on the website.

Yours in Adventuring,

Sarah and Markus

Sarah: – : – Markus:

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