Blog Post - Newsletters

Newletter Issue 7

Dear Fellow Adventurers,

I just wanted to share some very exciting news with you all. Friends of Adventure has officially launched itself into the world of social media. We now have a Facebook page and a Twitter account.

Feel free to join us on either of these pages and start interacting with other adventurers. The aim is for us to build an adventuring community so that we can share the love of the outdoors with each other. Our Facebook page and Twitter feeds are also a really great way to stay up to date with upcoming Friends of Adventure events.

When we have stuff coming up we will post it to our social media pages so that our followers are the first to know. Another great feature of our new social media pages is that if you come adventuring with us you can post your photos from the day to the Facebook page, allowing everyone to share their photos and relive the fun.

I look forward to seeing you all when you visit our pages, and of course when you come on our adventures.


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